Some improvement of TEA laser and DYE
lasing test
Note: Because of short time for making this page, it will be only
temporary page
without thumbnails and all pictures are with dimensions of 800 x 600
This is only temporary page, because I need make more tests and
experiments and put there
some results and conclusions. For now, I will just put few pictures of

Old laser spot of just one shot on the wall at distance of about 3
meters (before improvements)

New laser spot of just one shot on the wall at distance of about 3
meters. Because of added
rear mirror, spot have less divergence and looks smaller. Also, at Marx
generator are added
more capacitance (before 2 x 1 nF, now 2 x 2.7 nF), so spot is much
more brighter. Both
picture was taken with same camera setting

Old laser spot of about ten pulses at distance of about 3 meters.
(Paper is 21 cm wide horizontally)

New laser spot of about ten pulses after improvement. I was not match
distance between camera
and paper, but obviously spot is smaller and brighter. Both picture was
taken with same camera setting.

First improvement is added rear mirror with "XYZ" alignment. This is
one small piece of first
surface aluminum mirror, which have bad reflectance at 337.1 nm, but
enough to make more
than double power at output. It was very hard to align mirror, because
laser channel is too
small with distance between electrodes 2 - 3 mm. Next time I will build
laser channel with
more space for easier mirror alignment.

With added six capacitors of 570 pF each, I got more power. Before each
of two stage Marx generator
has 1 nF each, now have 2.7 nF. This is not "big" improvement, but
laser operate much easier and put
more power at output. Though wires between capacitors are thin and
long, this was not make trouble
in laser operation.

One "big" discovery is removed dumper capacitor. Now laser work with
much more power. Now, pulse
travel from Marx generator through coaxial cable directly to spark gap
and then to laser electrodes and
peaking capacitors. Before this, I was thinking that pulse need first
charge dumper capacitor, and when
it reach enough voltage, then discharge stored energy through spark gap
to peaker capacitors and laser
channel like in "standard" laser setup with only dumper capacitors, one
spark gap and peaker capacitors.
This is big advantage, because with this setup we "spare" capacitors
for another applications.

One more surprising discovery is that there no need so fast pulse with
short rise time to spark gap. At this
pictures is shown one added coil between coaxial cable from Marx
generator to spark gap. Laser output
is weaker, but still is present. I was expect totally suppressing
signal, but seems to me that main "role" play
peaker capacitors, and how is high voltage which charge it. Plus, more
important is preionizing, which is in
this case very poor, because I was use only one thin foil of 0.1 mm as
preionizing dielectric, and because
it was with only one side of electrodes (bottom). Better choice is use
two preionizing wire in glass tubes
as preionizing dielectric at both side of anode. This will make more UV
light to right area of cathode.

I was little play with DYE laser cell with Rhodamine 6 G. TEA laser
with this setup have enough power
to make lasing DYE, but not yet as "superradiant" - there must be at
least one rear mirror. (Better choice
will be make right resonator with HR and OC mirrors.) It was not easy
make it lasing - aside cylindrical lens
I was must use one more focusing lens to make more power per square mm.
Also, I was expect orange
lasing of R6G because of "self filtering" effect of orange liquid, but
I was got yellow-green laser beam.
(at next two pictures I was make more smoke, because of low power of
DYE laser output)

It was not always easy make visible laser beam, especially if it is
very weak. I was make long exposure
with tens of pulses and a lot of cigarette smokes. There actually are
two output beams, because one was
reflected of inner wall of DYE cell. So, I was use another mirror to
separate only one of two beam.

Though laser beam looks powerful, it was very weak. Behind cell and
focusing lens is my hand
which quickly push triggering button to make more output laser light
(hand looks orange-red
because of orange-red "ready" lamp which is inside button.
I need to make more experiments with peaking capacitors, because I was
observe strange connections
between capacitance and distance between electrodes. For example, if
distance between electrodes is small,
then there must be more capacitance. If distance is bigger, then must
remove few capacitors to achieve more
power. I haven't right instrument for measuring output power, which
make more difficult making some "right"
conclusions, but sometimes is obviously only by looking fluorescence on
paper how power change by changing
capacitors or something else.